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更新时间:2017-05-19 点击数:4088


The equipment of rubber polish is the main equipment for finishing treatment of the rubber roller consist of three parts including principle axis rotating,abrasive belt running and walking running. It fits to all kind of rubber roller and specially fits better in printing roller. It can make the rubber roller reaching the required finish finess using abrasive belt  with different particle size without changing the demension.There are two kind of polishing including polishing with water and without water. The rubber roller finish grinding and polishing machine is to polish and process the roller under fixed speed of round abrasive belt with water. The principle axis adopt changing frenqucy to adjust speed, means that it can change to proper speed according to the roller’s length,diameter and weight. The tention force is adjusted by air pressure in accordance with different hardness.The work piece,abrasive belt, work platform,water pump  are drived by independent motor. The counter installed in the pannel is to set the times of back and forth with manual and auto mood. The manual mood is to set the back and forth and polish times by hand. The auto mood is under condition of setting the distance and times of  polishing,when press start button,the whole system will be running automaticly. It will be stopped when it is reaching the set times. The operator’s job is only to put the rubber roller, press the button in the mood of automatic.  It is an ideal equipment  with a high automatic level,simple oepration and harshness over Ra0.4.  